Trip Calendar

Lilongwe, Malawi


Aug 8 - 17, 2024


Lilongwe, Malawi

Navigator & Jennifer Gome, Good Samaritan Baptist Church

Pastor Navigator and his wife, Jennifer, have four children: Amy is 22 and currently in nursing school, Israel is 19 and currently studying Education for Special needs, Danielle is 14, and Phoebe is 7.

Pastor Navigator has been serving as the president of Good Samaritan Bible College since 2014. He trusted Christ in November of 1996. He grew up in the village, but he went to the city to visit his dad who was working as a security guard to an American missionary. This missionary witnessed to him about Christ and he accepted Jesus that day on his porch. The Lord then called him to the ministry in the 2000’s.

Pastor Navigator now works with other pastors and their ministries. They host Bible clubs in the villages around them and it opens the door to begin reaching children and then ultimately their parents. Their greatest desire is to help the lost come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and establish the needed relationships with HIM. They also want to encourage the local body of believers. 


Connect with them: 

Contacts: whatsaap +265 888 854 707

Facebook: Navigator Smile Gome

Email address: [email protected]






As you may have guessed, the public healthcare system is grossly inadequate to meet the needs of these precious people in a very densely populated area of Africa. Many suffer from poor eyesight and optical conditions, malaria, and general sickness. This is a unique opportunity to visit one of the least developed, yet most beautiful countries in the world. The obstacles our patients face include high infant mortality, low life expectancy, and high rates of infectious disease. But we have a chance to offer the most beautiful kind of healing the Great Physician offers through the gospel message.

The country of Malawi is nicknamed the "Warm Heart of Africa" because of the friendliness of its people, who welcome strangers and locals with unrivaled warmth and hospitality. Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, bordered by Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique, and has an estimated 20 million people. Most people reside in rural locations, but our clinic will be in Lilongwe, the capital and largest city with 1.2 million people.

About 20% of the country is not land but water - Lake Malawi! It is called the Calendar Lake because it is 365 miles long, 52 miles at its widest point, and has 12 main rivers flowing into the lake.

Malawi is one of the world's least-developed countries and has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, with over 40% of the population living on less than $1 a day. The economy is agricultural with the top crop being tobacco; tea, sugar, cotton, coffee, and peanuts are also grown. Malawi has a low life expectancy and high infant and maternal mortality. HIV/AIDS is highly prevalent, leading to one of the highest rates of AIDS orphans in Africa.

Missionary and explorer David Livingstone came to Malawi on September 17, 1859, bringing the gospel with him. Livingstone was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the region and made so many converts that his legacy is a church in every village in the country. To this day, about three-fourths of the population is Christian. 

For more country information, click here



Our plan is to offer medical, optical, and dental care to this community. If you are a physical therapy professional interested in potentially serving on this team, please fill out an INTEREST FORM to inquire about offering these services. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.

This trip is now closed. Thank you for your interest.



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