Trip Calendar

Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia

Physical Therapy

Oct 2 - 11, 2025


Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia

Felip Castro, Jr., Solid Rock Baptist Church

Felipe and Lorelei Castro have been serving in Cambodia as medical missionaries and church planters. Felipe is the national director of Bileg Community Outreach International, a local mission organization founded in 2001. In addition to planting churches, the Castro’s established children’s feeding centers, an orphanage in 2003, a K-12 school in 2008, and a medical clinic in 2015. They’re involved in a church planting movement in several provinces and utilize mobile medical missions as a platform to proclaim the Word of God in the villages of Cambodia. 

Pastor Felipe prays for growth and encouragement of churches in their area, to plant new churches in other villages, and to help train local healthcare workers. The residents of this region have little access to primary care and tertiary medical services. The lack of education regarding their health, in addition to religious superstitions, poses a big obstacle in the delivery of proper healthcare.  

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Between the enormous temple complex Angkor Wat, and the terrible events under the rule of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia has a complex cultural tapestry with a fascinating and long history.

The Khmer Empire began in 802 AD, when Jayavarman II declared himself king, uniting the warring Khmer princes. The Empire reached its apex in the 12th century, during which time the massive temple complexes at Angkor Wat were built. Following 400 years of decline, Cambodia became a French colony, and during the 20th century experienced the turmoil of war, occupation by the Japanese, postwar independence, and political instability. Between 1975 and 1979 the country was devastated by the reign of the Khmer Rouge, a communist guerrilla movement which carried out the Cambodian genocide, during which at least 1.5 million Cambodians died, a monumental tragedy from which the country still suffers. 

Ninety-five percent of Cambodia's population is of ethnic Khmer origin and speak the Khmer language. Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, practiced by more than 95% of the population and has over 4,000 monastery temples throughout the country. Cambodian Buddhism is deeply influenced by Hinduism and native animism.

Cambodia has long had an acute shortage of medical personnel. Phnom Penh has the country’s best healthcare facilities, but most rural areas are served only by local infirmaries. Scarce funds, unsettled conditions in the country, poor sanitation, and a shortage of medicine contributed to high incidences of diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and pneumonia.

The clinic is in Kampong Thom Province, which is located about halfway between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. The provincial capital is Stung Saen, a town of 30,000 people on the banks of the Stung Sen River. Located in a tropical climate area, Kompong Thom has 3 main seasons, including the cool season (from November to March), the hot season (from March to May) and the rainy season (from May to October). The average temperature is in the mid-80s.

Rice is the staple grain. Fish from the Mekong and Tonlé Sap is also an important part of the diet, with people eating on average two ounces per day. Other food products include cassava, corn, sugarcane, soybeans, coconuts, bananas, mangoes, and breadfruits. Cambodians are also renowned for cooking up creepy crawlies such as crickets, ants, and even tarantulas.

In rural areas more than half of residential structures are built by using bamboo, thatch, grass, reeds, and similar materials. In urban areas residential buildings are constructed of wood, concrete, brick, stone, metal sheets, and tiles. About one-third of all urban residences have access to safe drinking water, electricity, and indoor plumbing; the proportion of houses with those facilities in the rural areas is far smaller.


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Our plan is to offer medical, optical, dental, and physical therapy care to this community. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.

Note: At this time we are only considering applications for optical/non-medical, dental, or P.T. professionals.




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