Our Team

MMO’s Story

In 2003, Bradley and Kelly Edmondson had an idea to take an annual medical missions trip to help a missionary reach his community with the gospel. The value of the tool of medicine became more apparent with every trip they took, as local churches in developing communities grew by leaps and bounds, while medical professionals and other volunteers sought more and more opportunities to use their skill sets to minister.

What began as an annual trip grew to more than ten trips on nearly every continent each year, but the focus remained the same: reach people who are hurting with ethical care and eternal spiritual care. Existing churches blossomed, and new churches were planted. Our philosophy has been and always will be: “Help local people; serve with a local church.”

In 2018, the construction of the Rearick Surgical Center marked the first permanent overseas location of Medical Missions Outreach. Plans for additional clinics in Africa and Asia are underway. As doors to partner with missionaries and national pastors around the world continue to open, we rejoice in this unique opportunity we have been given and vow to run to help as God directs.


Medical Missions Outreach is committed to fiscal responsibility, stewardship of God’s provision, and transparency to our donors. We want you to know that when you give money or supplies to MMO, you can be confident that it will fulfill our mission of pointing each patient to the Great Physician.

You do not have to take our word for it. Since gaining our non-profit status in 2017, we have undergone annual audits with a Certified Public Accounting Firm in addition to the IRS’s 990 Form. Medical Missions Outreach, Inc., is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Federal EIN 46-2355587.

We are an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ecfa.org).
For additional information, please contact Norie Rose, our Financial Director, at [email protected].


What Our Volunteers Say

The MMO staff always goes above and beyond in being helpful and proactive.

Mona, RN