The Tribe

Some of our Tribe members in Mongolia 2022.



The Tribe is a membership community at Medical Missions Outreach for those who love missions and want to stay connected, while also supporting our ministry needs long-term.

We began our Tribe community in 2021 after hearing travelers consistently share that they weren’t ready for their trip to end. They enjoyed the community of the team, the impact that was being made, and what they were learning about international medicine and culture.

Because of that, we wanted to create a space where travelers could connect with one another and staff more consistently, be given inside information on things happening state-side and abroad on trips, educational content and be recognized for their support.

We also saw this as a way for our close community to help us reach our ministry goals financially with a $25 monthly donation. Trip costs are not designed to cover the operating costs of our ministry, so we solely rely on donations to meet our needs. There are many expenses involved to keep our ministry up and running, such as purchasing the supplies, equipment, and medication needed on the field, the cost of luggage fees when traveling, and overhead costs associated with our home office and its staff. Each of these are a vital part of what we do here at Medical Missions Outreach that allow us to get to the field to share the message of the Great Physician.

Whether you are a team member that travels with us frequently, you volunteer your time at our local headquarters, or you simply share our online content to spread awareness of our ministry, this community is for you and we would love to have you join our MMO Tribe!


The Benefits

  • Early access to our trip calendar
  • Ability to travel on Tribe only missions trips
  • Invitation to our Tribe social community
  • Monthly prayer letter with insider information
  • MMO’s educational Video Library
  • Access to exclusive Tribe merchandise
  • Traveler recognition and gifts


Traveler Recognition

For those of you who have supported us by giving your time, professional skills, and finances to travel with us, we want to thank you for your faithful support!  Here are the additional benefits you will recieve:


5–9 Trips

You can now pack for your trip in less than 1 hour and know exactly what snacks are required to get through the week. 

Your Benefits


  • Custom Tribe keychain and travel tokens
  • Invitation to text message communication
  • Birthday gift


10–14 Trips 

Nothing surprises you and you are the definition of “fluid.” Most likely you have a crazy animal story to tell from your travels and know the quickest route to coffee from any given place.

Your Benefits


  • Additional travel tokens
  • Invitation to text message communication
  • Birthday gift



15–19 Trips 

By now you are basically staff and could run the clinic if you had to. You’re giving us advice and answering other traveler questions before we can.

Your Benefits


  • Additional travel tokens
  • Invitation to text message communication
  • Birthday gift
  • Waived deviation fee



20+ Trips 

At this point you should join the Agency and serve full-time!  Our ministry wouldn’t be the same without you, and we are better for knowing you!

Your Benefits


  • Additional travel tokens
  • Invitation to text message communication
  • Birthday gift
  • Waived deviation fee
  • Hotel upgrade when available
  • Custom leather Tribe journal


The Tribe is a community of monthly donors furthering the cause of sharing Christ with people around the world through medicine.



the Tribe on circle


Membership benefits are limited to one membership per email.