Trip Calendar

Lagro, Philippines


Jan 18 - 27, 2024


Lagro, Philippines

Calvin and Mindy Houser, City Baptist Church

Calvin and Mindy along with their children, Blaine (13), Esther (13), Adeline (11) and Carson (9) have been serving in the Philippines since 2014.  Mindy is currently teaching full time at Faith Academy which is a school that primarily ministers to missionaries and their children serving in the Philippines. Their children are able to attend Faith Academy as well. 

They have been dedicated to church planting and reaching those in the greater Manila area. In 2016, they were able to start City Baptist Church of Lagro. A few years later they were able to start a new church plant, City Baptist Church of Amparo. They currently are involved in evangelism, outreach, and personal discipleship. Calvin also enjoys leading a ministry called The Refresh Network which focuses on encouraging and equipping national leadership and missionaries serving in and sent out from the Philippines.
The church regularly has kids programs such as Awana clubs weekly, VBS, and camps. The church is also involved in our local high school and plans are being made to open a student center where teens can study, have fun, and learn more about God's Word. Medical Missions is something they have done now for several years as an outreach, and they have seen great impact in their community. Discipleship in the community is mainly done through small groups as they encourage people to invite their friends and neighbors to our various Bible study groups around our area.
When we asked the Houser’s about their goals and desires, they said ‘we are praying to see more Gospel impact through souls saved and lives changed. This event is a great testimony for the cause of Christ in our community and surrounding areas.’

When we asked about local healthcare, Calvin said most people are not able to afford quality care in a private hospital. They are forced to go to government facilities for care which are extremely overcrowded and only relying on doctors who would volunteer for their specific cases. In regards to eye care, most people cannot afford prescription eyeglasses. They will often settle for just using an old, incorrect pair of glasses given to them or just reading eyeglass.

Filipino culture is a fun one and many can speak English which makes it a great opportunity to serve on the other side of the world.




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The Republic of the Philippines consists of over 7,500 islands which make it the largest archipelago on the planet! Our clinic will be in Lagro, part of Metro Manila on the island of Luzon, the economic and political center of the country.

Roads are the dominant form of transport. “Jeepneys” are a popular - and iconic! - public utility vehicle, and the roads are full of buses, taxis, and motorized tricycles (a motorcycle with a passenger cab attached). Traffic is a significant issue in Metro Manila, so prepare for drives that take longer than you think they will.

The Philippines is a secular state with freedom of religion, and an overwhelming majority of Filipinos consider religion very important. Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion at about 80%; other Christian denominations make up about 10% of the population and Islam comes in next with about 5%, mostly in the southern islands.

The Spanish colonized the country in 1565, then ceded it to the United States during the Spanish-American War. It became independent after World War II. Both Hispanic and American influences can still be felt throughout the Philippines. Spain left the dominance of Catholicism and prevalence of Spanish names, whereas American influence is evident in the use of English and consumption of fast food and American films and music. After independence, the country was wracked by political turmoil, but after more than a decade of authoritarian rule under President Ferdinand Marcos, that regime was overthrown in 1986, and a democratic government was restored. 

While the Philippines has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the region, many Filipinos are being left behind. There is extreme wealth alongside tremendous poverty in the Philippines. In urban areas, wealthier residents typically live in two- or three-story single-family homes, but the poor occupy any vacant piece of land they can find and build their homes from bamboo, wood, sheet metal, and other scavenged items. These slums usually do not have regular access to running water and electricity or to sanitary services.

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Our plan is to offer optical care to this community. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.

This trip is now closed. Thank you for your interest.



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Bradley’s advice for getting ready for Philippines: 
Be prepared for patients full of life (lots of loud talkers with tons of laughing!)
Be prepared for amazing sunsets and gorgeous landscapes.
Be prepared to meet a sweet church family that loves their community and sharing. Christ’s message of hope and love through the Gospel!