Trip Calendar

Lima, Peru

Physical Therapy
Soul Care

Mar 26 - Apr 5, 2025


Lima, Peru

Giorgio Romani, Faith Baptist Church

Giorgio and Janna Romani along with their children, Vienna, Vincenzo and Luca, are missionaries serving in the city of Lima, Peru for more than 10 years. Georgio and Janna met at Bible college in 2006. Shortly after their wedding he began pastoring a church in Florida. In 2012, the Lord guided them to leave the USA and serve in a Spanish-speaking country. Their three kids were born on the field, and have been a blessing to their lives and ministries. Pastor Giorgio has planted 3 churches, and 2 of those are now led by members of those church plants. His current ministry, MADEL, includes Theological education, an ESL program as a tool for outreach, kids’ ministries, and medical campaigns.

Our goals and desires are for the growth of the two local churches in their communities and for our current church to connect with our new local community. Our local healthcare consists of many problems with kid’s malnutrition, poor eyesight, hearing and dental care. The public healthcare system is substandard and private care is very expensive. In general, people are very welcoming and mostly open to the gospel.


Connect with them:
WhatsApp +51987836621
Facebook: giorgiojannaromani





Peru is a destination that evokes strong and dramatic imagery – the Incas, the Amazon, the Andes, the mighty condor, and Lima, “the City of the Kings” and former colonial capital of the Spanish New World. Indeed, there are few countries that provide such a brilliant blend of history, culture, landscape, and wildlife under one flag. Peru is entirely (but barely) in the Southern Hemisphere, with its northernmost point just 2 miles south of the equator. Peru has three distinct ecosystems: the arid Costa on the west, the rugged Sierra (or Andes) in the center, and the wet and forested Amazonia on the east.

Peruvian territory was home to several cultures during the ancient and medieval periods and has one of the longest histories of civilization of any country. Its most well-known is the Inca Empire, which built Machu Picchu, and was the largest known state in the pre-Columbian Americas. The Inca Empire had between 6-14 million people at its zenith, which ended when the Spanish arrived and conquered in 1532.

Roman Catholicism, as the official state religion, has played a major role in Peruvian culture and society since the Spanish conquest, with every village, town, and city having its official church or cathedral, patron saint, and special religious days. Indigenous people have mixed many pagan beliefs into the Roman Catholic rituals to produce a syncretistic religion full of unique traditions.

Peru is home to the potato and has over 3,000 varieties of tuber! Peruvians like to say “Soy mas Peruano que la papa,” which means “I am more Peruvian than the potato.” Corn and beans are also native to Peru, and quinoa, cocoa, and coffee are grown here. Ceviche, fish cooked with fresh lime juice and flavored with chili, is considered the national dish of Peru.

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Our plan is to offer medical, optical, dental, physical therapy, and soul care to this community. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.

Note: At this time we are only considering applications for groups, dental or P.T. professionals, as well as soul care volunteers.




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