Trip Calendar

Praia, Cabo Verde

Physical Therapy

Jul 17 - 26, 2025


Praia, Cabo Verde

Luiz & Ana Nunes, Family Baptist Church

We cannot wait for you to meet Luiz and Ana Nunes who serve the Lord in Africa with their high school and college-aged children: Joseph, Arthur, Ana, and Jonathan.  Pastor Luiz trusted Christ in 2004, then was educated in the U.S., earning a Master’s Degree before beginning both a BBN Radio Ministry and a Rock of Ages Prison Ministry in Brazil. But this family’s influence for Jesus has not been limited to just the Americas. They planted a church and served in Portugal for five years before transitioning to Cabo Verde where they currently work. We will be able to help the people of Family Baptist Church in the capital city reach their neighbors with medical attention and the gospel. Some unique aspects of this church include multiple ministries to the armed forces and even ministry through baseball and softball!

The healthcare needs in Cabo Verde are pressing. It is not uncommon to wait 3-6 months to be seen, especially if one needs a specialist. Your efforts to provide healthcare to this population will be genuinely appreciated.

Notes from Pastor Nunes:

  1. You may not know that Cabo Verde is called the “birthplace of slavery.” In 1460, Portuguese vessels came to this set of empty volcanic islands. Three years later they began to “settle” here with the first Roman Catholic Church on this side of Africa, and in 1467, they secured the permission to begin the slave trade in the Gulf of Guinea.
  2. Around us is where the “mid Atlantic tropical storms are formed” which could become potential hurricanes in the USA! Population in Cabo Verde is less than 600,000 but there are over 1 million Cabo-Verdeans living outside of our borders!

We’d love to hear from you!

Associação Batista Caboverdiana
A Igreja Batista das Famílias

WhatsApp:  +2385950003

e-mail:  [email protected]

Sending Church:  Lakeside Baptist Church, Beach Island, South Carolina




Cabo Verde is a beautiful island country in the Atlantic Ocean, 400 miles west of the West African coast. The country has ten volcanic islands with a combined land area about the size of Rhode Island. Cabo Verde is poor in natural resources, prone to drought, and has little farmable land. Nevertheless, it is known for having achieved political and economic stability, and tourism is a growing source of income.

The Cabo Verde archipelago was uninhabited when the Portuguese landed there in 1456. They founded a settlement in 1462 and in the following century the archipelago was a hub of the Atlantic slave trade. The decline in the slave trade in the 19th century resulted in an economic crisis and the early prosperity slowly vanished even though the islands' position astride mid-Atlantic shipping lanes made Cabo Verde an ideal location for re-supplying ships.

The official language is Portuguese, but most people speak Cabo Verdean Creole. The population is around half a million people with about 160,000 living in the capital city of Praia. We’ll be serving in Praia, a city full of energy and noise. The core of Praia’s old town is built on a plateau and has magnificent houses from the colonial era, beaches, churches, a food market, museums, government buildings, and an old fortress.

You’ll find the people of Cabo Verde welcoming and excited that you’ve come so far. The community involvement with the clinic is special to behold. Cabo Verdeans are also known for regularly working out in the gym or outside in the early morning or evening. About 90% of the population on the islands identify as Catholic and nine percent as evangelical believers. There is religious freedom, affording tremendous opportunity for Christian missions to Cabo Verde and to share the gospel on this small island nation.

For more country information, click here

Bradley’s advice for getting ready for Cabo Verde:

  • Be prepared for patients full of life (lots of loud talkers with tons of laughing!)
  • Be prepared for amazing sunsets and gorgeous landscapes.
  • Be prepared to meet a sweet church family that loves their community and sharing Christ’s message of hope & love through the Gospel!




Our plan is to offer medical, optical, and physical therapy care to this community. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.


Note: At this time we are only considering applications for medical professionals and health science students.




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