Trip Calendar

San Miguel, El Salvador

Physical Therapy
Soul Care

Jun 6 - 14, 2025


San Miguel, El Salvador

Roberto Nieto, Tabernacle Baptist Church

The third most populous city in El Salvador lies at the foot of the spectacular Volcano Chaparrastique. Right in the middle of the city, you’ll discover a vibrant church, dedicated believers, and lifelong friends in a multi-faceted ministry that is reaching its city and even the surrounding villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The pastor was born in a small village nearby, and his testimony and infectious smile are things you’ll long remember.

Pastor Nieto has hosted several MMO teams. His vision for the church includes those who lack access to healthcare. He has family members who are involved in the Salvadorian healthcare system; one of his daughters is a pharmacist. He realizes the limitations of the system and has seen what a powerful tool medicine can be to show Jesus’ love and share the message of hope He brings. 

You’ll enjoy trying pupusas, experiencing beautiful views of this eastern side of the country, and serving alongside precious people who are doing great things in their community.


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This mountainous country is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, and Honduras. El Salvador, meaning “The Savior,” is the smallest country in Central America at about the size of the state of Massachusetts. It is known as the Land of Volcanoes, and as a result has frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. When driving across the countryside you’ll find flat areas with just volcanoes on the landscape, smoke billowing from their tops.

The Olmecs came to the region around 2000 B.C., followed by the Maya around 1500 B.C., whose mark can still be seen by the Mayan pyramids found throughout the area. When the Mayan civilization ended in 900 A.D., the Toltec Empire took hold in El Salvador. In the 11th century, the Pipil people (originators of pupusas, El Salvador’s most iconic food) became the dominant group in El Salvador until the Spanish conquerors took over in 1528. El Salvador achieved full independence in 1841. Persistent civil unrest culminated in the Salvadoran Civil War from 1979 to 1992, which resulted in mass emigration to the United States. About three million Salvadorans live in the United States and send money home to El Salvador.

About half of all Salvadorans live in the countryside. Many people in the countryside are poor and don’t have electricity or running water in their homes. Most of the wealthy families live in San Salvador in houses and apartments. The government offers free education to children up to the ninth grade, but many families cannot afford the cost of supplies and transportation.

El Salvador's economy has historically been dominated by agriculture, beginning with the Spanish taking control of the indigenous cacao crop in the 16th century, then by a boom in use of the indigo plant, mainly for its use as a dye in the 19th century. Thereafter the focus shifted to coffee, which by the early 20th century accounted for 90% of export earnings. Today coffee, sugar, corn, rice, shrimp, and beef are the main agricultural products in El Salvador.

This trip is to San Miguel, a city 86 miles east of the capital San Salvador. It has just over half a million people and is the country's third most populous city. The city also has its own volcano! Volcán Chaparrastique, also known as Volcán de San Miguel, is about 10 miles north of the city and is perhaps the most iconic image of San Miguel.

For more country information, click here




Our plan is to offer medical, optical, dental, physical therapy, and soul care to this community. Every patient who receives care will hear the gospel from a member of this local church.


Note: At this time we are only considering applications for medical physicians, P.T. professionals, health science students, or Soul Care volunteers.




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