Kim Lange

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As I reflect on my journey, I can see God’s hand at every twist and turn, guiding and directing me to this very moment. I have witnessed God on full display as He opened and closed doors in my life and blessed me with meaningful relationships and transformative experiences, all leading me closer to my calling in medical missions.

My faith in Jesus took root during my senior year of high school at a youth gathering. Back then, I had big plans for my future. I envisioned attending college, marrying my high school sweetheart, working as a nurse for three years, having four children, and building a beautiful life. Although I accomplished these things, I felt something was missing. While actively serving in my local church and working at my children’s Christian school, I felt that God was calling me to do more. But where? How could He use me?

For the past 30 years, I have been an active member of Trinity Baptist Church in Flushing, Michigan. In 2016, Bradley and Kelly Edmondson visited and presented the ministry of Medical Missions Outreach. I was captivated and signed up for my first trip to Nicaragua in 2017. I quickly fell in love with the mission, the method, and the community of Medical Missions Outreach. I love MMO’s vision of partnering with local churches by using the tool of medicine as an avenue for the gospel. After we see and treat patients, a local church member asks for the opportunity to share the gospel with them. These people hear about Jesus in their own language and many come to place their faith in Christ. As a nurse, I saw patients who needed treatment for various illnesses but could not afford even ibuprofen for pain. It’s a good thing to share medicine and education with patients, but it’s an infinitely better thing to love them and introduce them to a church who shares Jesus with them, prays with them, and disciples them.

With my experience as an emergency room nurse, I felt that this was a perfect place for me to serve. After a few years and several short term missions trips, I felt led to dig in deeper. I was somewhat intimidated at the thought of going back to school to further my career but was encouraged and supported by friends and family. On one particular trip, Kelly Edmondson said to me: “We are never too old to learn something new.” And that was it for me, it was the final nudging I needed. God was leading me to graduate school to become a nurse practitioner so that I could serve in a greater capacity in medical missions.



After becoming a family nurse practitioner, I served in the provider role on many more medical missions trips. I frequently would comment and half-jokingly say that my dream was to work for Medical Missions Outreach; yet I knew this would not be possible as I reside in Michigan with my husband and four teenaged children who all have very full and busy lives with responsibilities. Moving to McDonough, Georgia, did not seem to be an option at this time in our lives. One day, Kelly called me to ask if I would consider taking on the Clinic Coordinator role on an upcoming trip. She explained to me that the need was great due to adding more trips to the schedule; they needed help. Without hesitation, I agreed. It was on this trip that God showed me how I can be used in this capacity at this phase in my life. God has called me to be an associate medical missionary as a clinical director for Medical Missions Outreach. I will continue to reside in Michigan at this time, and will participate as a Clinic Coordinator on four to five trips per year. I am seeking financial and prayer partners. Will you pray for me as I raise financial support to be able to commit to this ministry of global missions?

If you are able to help financially, you can give online by using the form below, or by mailing in checks to:

Medical Missions Outreach
Account #116
289 Jonesboro Rd, Suite 364
McDonough, GA 30253


Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.
