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When I think about my story, the word blessed always comes to mind. God is awesome in His amazing love and has allowed me to be raised by wonderful, godly, supportive parents. I accepted the Lord as my personal Savior at the age of 10, and it was my mom who led me to Jesus. I was raised in the church I currently attend, Light of Calvary Baptist. I eventually had the privilege of serving as the teen girls’ Sunday school teacher.  

As a child, I often viewed being a missionary as something out of my dimension. I felt these pioneers of faith had a strength and boldness I simply did not possess. As I was thinking about my pathway in life after high school, the Lord directed me to nursing. My RN mom inspired me by her use of nursing as a ministry tool, something I could utilize to minister to people in my small part of the world. At that time, God began dealing with my heart in the area of missions to utilize the skills I would learn to further His kingdom globally. After graduating as an RN in 2012, I began working as a nurse in my local Emergency Department. I loved this job and definitely felt this was a population that would benefit from seeing the light of Jesus. However, as much as I loved it, I began feeling a stronger, Providential pull toward missions. I was reminded of the story of Moses and his struggle with God’s calling. Like Moses’ feelings of inadequacy as an introvert, thinking of full-time missions was intimidating to me. I asked my pastor about taking a medical missions trip, and he recommended contacting a missionary couple our church had been supporting for years. I contacted them, and they directed me to Becky Pope and the team at Medical Missions Outreach. After emailing Becky, she introduced me to Bradley Edmondson (Executive Director of MMO), and this led to my first trip to Romania in 2013.  trip was life-changing and sparked a fire for both the furtherance of the gospel through medicine and specifically working with MMO. I continued volunteering with 1–2 trips a year as a nurse. Each year, I felt like God was impressing my heart to be more involved with this awesome ministry.



The most significant impression on my heart occurred while in Fiji in 2019. I spoke with Bradley and informed him that I wanted to be more involved with MMO, and he asked me for more details of my desired involvement. At that point, my intent was simply to increase the number of trips on which I’d be going per year. With this in mind, the Lord had directed me to continue my education as a Nurse Practitioner, as I realized this education would improve my ability to care for patients on the mission field. I had come to the point in my career and life of realizing that more money was not bringing a greater fulfillment in Jesus. Many things—the week in Fiji, my own personal devotions, Bradley’s daily devotions, the missionaries’ messages—began confirming God’s direction of committing to MMO on a full-time basis. My eyes truly affected my heart as I looked and saw the needs of the people around me and the ways I could utilize my skills to help those needs. God confirmed in my heart that He wanted me to commit more than a week of volunteering; He wanted me to go all the way with this ministry. To my feelings of inadequacies and doubts, God used His words to Moses to comfort my heart: “Certainly, I will be with thee;” Exodus 3: 12. After counseling with my parents and pastor, and after seeking the Lord in much prayer, I soon came on board with MMO as clinical director. I have since completed my degree and am a Family Nurse Practitioner. This position with MMO requires that I move to our home base of Baltimore, MD, where I will be working to communicate with missionaries and other entities in various countries to arrange trips. I will also be traveling on approximately 10 trips each year, where I will utilize medicine to assist local churches in furthering the gospel.


Marli in Fiji

As MMO has grown, so has the opportunity to answer missionaries’ pleas to work in multiple countries throughout the year. This requires resources—people, time, money and most importantly, prayer. I am currently seeking financial partners to help me in continuing the work of the Lord. Will you pray for me as I raise financial support to be able to commit to this ministry? I have seen God’s power through healing and salvation of people all over the world and need you to partner with me as we continue fulfilling the Great Commission.  

If you are able to help financially, you can give online by using the form below, or by mailing in checks to:

Medical Missions Outreach
Account #107
289 Jonesboro Rd, Suite 364
McDonough, GA 30253



Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.





Marli's Life Verse

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee.”

Isaiah 26:3