7 Marks of a Deep Giver

7 Marks of a Deep Giver
Anna Grace Miller
Dec 14, 2021

It’s said that there are two types of people in a grocery store: the one who buys a quality loaf of bread, and the one who buys a cheap loaf of bread.

In other words, what’s most important to them changes what they’ll walk out of the store with.

Here’s what that means for us: that even in our small, everyday decisions we can see something at work that is much bigger than our shopping cart; what we value (what’s important to us!) changes everything. 

In the day-to-day, we assign a value to the things around us, and make an exchange for what matters most. A meaningful life. A successful life. A God-glorifying life or a self-glorifying life. A safe life. A healthy life.

What we give up in exchange for what we value costs us. Time, love, money, comfort, convenience. But the best givers know–that giving up something in exchange for something of value is not just a Biblical model that we have, but a deeply satisfying lifestyle we can experience when we can learn to give well!

But how? Is purposeful, deep giving something that can be learned?

We’re going to find out by taking a closer look below at some of the best givers we know!

  1. People around them have names.
    Good givers are good listeners. They ask to understand needs. They ask to remember. They ask because they know what it means from experience, and tightly hold to the value God places on individuals made in His image–as precious, beloved, sought-after, and unique.

  2. They don’t need a stage.
    Givers are often found in corners, out-of-earshot, and behind closed doors. Because of this, the best givers in your life might not be the obvious ones. Their driving motivation to meet needs instead of get noticed often makes their giving non-flashy. This method of giving isn’t just common sense, it’s also in the Bible. Paul talks about using the way we serve to glorify God in Colossians 3*. And the amazing thing is, this is exactly the giving that God says pleases Him, and promises to bless.

  3. They seem to have all the time in the world.
    Deep givers are not people with empty calendars. Making time for people is something they do despite their calendar! They understand that time is a precious commodity, and often the very gift that someone needs! Slowing down to listen. Pausing to pray. Whether it’s taking an afternoon for someone next door, or a whole week to meet needs in another country, a giver recognizes the value of time as an investment. 

  4. They can spot another giver across the room.
    You can pick a giver out of a crowd by listening for the one who is thanking people. Giving people are thankful people, because they understand most the sacrifice and intentionality that it takes to give! That awareness of others makes them thankful, and it fuels them to continue to give back as well. 

  5. They fight battles with washbins and towels.
    Serving and giving make an echoing statement in an influencer, self-centric culture. Yet these were the tools Christ chose in His final days on earth– serving, listening, washing feet, saying the truth. Givers make a big difference through the steadfast belief and consistent use of humble tools. When Christ gave everything, He used a cross. 

  6. They look for the best yes.
    Deep givers know when to give. In each of our spheres of influence, God places individuals that we can uniquely touch through our testimony, in the way we give back what God has given us. Because of this, givers are prioritized people. Instead of saying yes to everything, they watch and listen carefully for the needs God would have them specifically meet. 

  7. They know their why.
    Good givers are excellent planners. And beneath the planning, they can answer the hard questions about why they give. Think about some of the best givers from the scriptures!
    Paul said that he was compelled by the necessity to preach the gospel (1 Cor 9:16).
    John said that his goal was to make Christ known, even if it cost him (John 3:30).
    In the Bible, and in our own circles, we see the lives of faithful givers rooted in an understanding of Who God is, and how He can use an open heart and a pair of hands.

    Share this with a giver you know!

    *Colossians 3:22-24 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God; And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.