Charley Threet
Jun 22, 2022
Malawi was not my first choice.
I had originally wanted to go to another country in another month but was quickly discouraged because the PTO requests put in for that week wouldn’t allow me the time off. Not knowing whether I should go on 2 trips instead of 3 because my plan fell through, God led me to Malawi. My second choice…my plan B. I can’t even put into words what I saw this week. The emotions are great, so many feelings I can’t name them all, but these people and this country.
One morning after church, we set up a small clinic for the church and saw over 200 patients. One of the local clinicians was helping me translate and he said that he’s never seen a pulse ox, BP cuff, or the fact we could test glucose, run a pregnancy test, and run a urinalysis. He said most of that has to be done at the hospital so he doesn’t even have all the information he needs to properly care for his patients. Healthcare is far from good in Malawi. The clinician asked what I do back home and I told him I am a nurse. He said “Oh, you have the best job: you get to provide care and watch God do all the healing.”
At church, one of the local pastors said “We are here doing the work God has gifted us. God has answered their prayers and that is why they are here today…” It made me think – when is the last time I looked at my calling as a gift from God? I think more often than not, I see it as “what I’m supposed to do”, when getting to serve God is a gift that He could have entrusted to someone else.
I’m so thankful my plan A didn’t work out! I can count numerous times in my life when God’s plan was my plan B and my plan was plan A. And numerous times my plan failed and God’s plan was plan A all along. These people have nothing. Maybe 1-2 outfits each, inadequate housing, not sure where food is going to come from, cell phones, internet, electricity are all hard to come by. But they love greatly. They honor and respect their elders. They work hard and are still the first to serve. They have beautiful smiles and such warm hearts.
I’m reminded of Paul when he is asking God to remove his thorn in the flesh and God responds with “my grace is sufficient for thee” so Paul says I’ve learned that whatever state I’m in I’ll be content.
So many times my modern day conveniences keep me from being content with God’s grace. God is screaming at me “I love you, I’m all you need” and yet after a hard day I’ll go buy something because I “deserve it” in Malawi, their need is great but their faith is real. They have nothing and yet they have everything because they know God’s grace is sufficient. They know His grace will supply every need. They know His grace will bring them peace and contentment. They know His grace is bigger than any problem they face or any bad day they may have. I thought I was sent to Malawi to make an impact on them but God sent me to Malawi so He could remind me that He is all I need. All I need for the hard days, the bad shifts at work, for every need to be supplied. He is all I need. And He is all You need.
Over 1000 patients treated in Blantyre, and 305 starting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I miss you Malawi, but I’ll see you again soon!