Jan 18, 2023
This month we're celebrating 24 trips with Steve and Mona James!
Steve and Mona first came to MMO nearly twelve years ago, and have served locally and overseas with this ministry for years now. We are so blessed by their selfless service and compassionate, humble hearts! We asked them to share their story, and wanted to share it with you in honor of 24 trips of service. We hope you'll enjoy hearing from them as much as we did!
"It has now been nearly 11 years since God directed us to take “just one trip” and serve with Medical Missions Outreach in Honduras in 2012. That “one trip” has become 24, with one more that we have planned in 2023!
We are so thankful for God’s direction because of how our life has changed and the things He continues to teach us each time we serve. We are still learning to be “fluid,” because each trip has its own unique features and challenges. Just when we believe we are good to go, rolling with what comes during a trip, something new develops, and we realize that we still have much more to learn!
We are thankful to God for continually teaching us more about missions. Many host missionaries have become our friends, and we are more faithful in praying for them. It is easier to understand their needs since we have seen their ministry in person. Missions is no longer some vague concept, but it should be a daily way of life for all of us. We need to see the mission field that is around us every day and share the Gospel with people God brings into our life.
Sharing our trip through a presentation is something we try to do after each trip. Our goal is to show that each field is different, and to challenge people to think more about missions, pray for missionaries, give to missions, and, if God directs them, go and serve. After each trip, we have general knowledge of how many patients were seen during the week, but we know that the results go far beyond numbers. For now, only God knows the eternal results of that one life that may have been touched by the Gospel and the lasting impact from it.
We encourage everyone to consider what God is directing you to do. We know that by listening to God’s prompting and responding, your step of obedience has the potential to change your life forever."